Available Products

How To Secure Senior Support For Your Pay Gaps Plans

This 60-minute webinar is an invaluable opportunity for HR and DEI professionals to gain the knowledge and skills needed to drive change within their organisations. You'll leave with a deeper understanding of how to secure senior buy-in, create a culture of equity, and ultimately help address the pay gap in your workplace.

It's taking place on Tuesday, 9th July at 10am-11am UK time.

Pay gaps resources

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the internet where corporates can gain support and resources on all things related to closing pay gaps.

This hub is updated on a quarterly basis and you will gain free access to:

  • Whitepapers
  • Podcast interviews
  • Latest pay gaps research/articles
  • And more....

Please note that by signing up to access this resource hub, you will also get regular newsletters from me where I share even more insights and data on closing pay gaps.

At Equality Pays we are committed to providing you with solutions to help you build more inclusive workplaces.

Beyond the Pay Gap Figure: Sustainable Ways to Close Your Gender Pay Gap

This online learning portal provides you with the basic fundamentals of what all organisations need to know about addressing the gender pay gap:

- What exactly is the gender pay gap? 

- Gender pay gap actions that work

Both modules provide you with insights and practical guidance to get you started on your pay gaps journey.

Beyond The Pay Gap Figure - The A-Z of closing pay gaps

This online training provides you with the tools that you need to address the root causes of your gender pay gap. 

This training is divided up into six core modules (and three bonus modules) that focus on a key stages within the employee life cycle where gender pay gaps can be triggered or exacerbated. In each module, not only will you recieve insights into what can trigger pay gaps, but it will also give you strategies that you take annd begin to implement straight way.  

Inside is almost 20 years of corporate insights from me, based on working with my own clients, undertaking research, completing training certifications, as well as using my own personal experience of being a gender pay gap statistic.

This online training is targted towards HR, Reward and DEI professionals who are responsible for this area of work yet may not have the required resources to bring in external expertise.

Gender pay gap reporting has been with us since 2017, so it is time to re-evaluate how we address the root causes. The focus of this training is to provide you with authentic solutions that makes a real difference. All while giving you permission to do things your way to get the results that matter to your organisation.

Assess Your Gender Pay Gap: A Starter's Guide

Assess your pay gap with our guide!

Dive into the essential guide crafted for organisations committed to closing gender pay gaps. Whether you're looking to conduct in-house pay gap analysis or seeking external expertise, our guide provides actionable insights. 

Why do you need this guide?

We’ve had gender pay gap reporting since 2017 and there is still a lot of confusion about how to start addressing the issues. This guide is perfect for organisations that are new to pay gap reporting and organisations that need some guidance on how to improve their current pay gap action planning.

From starter templates and analysis tools, to a robust action plan framework, empower your organisation to take strategic steps towards addressing your pay gaps. 

🔍 What's Inside?

- Data Collection Starter Templates

- Analysis Tools for Informed Decision-Making

- Action Plan Framework for Lasting Change

- Expert Recommendations for External Support

- And More!

💼 Who Should Read?

- HR Professionals

- Diversity and Inclusion Teams

- Leadership and Decision-Makers

💡 Get Started on Your Journey to Pay Equity!

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